Thursday, October 26, 2006

Obligatory (aka, 'My first Blog')

this is the obligatory, 'hi! im here 2' post. for some reason (!) the whole 'blogosphere' withing our school seemd limitd 2 anish's simply brill blog, (id give the link but every1 knws it anyways!) tejas' and ashiq's. which were the only ones ive ever checkd out b4. now suddenly having one seems to be something we all have, and its oddly daunting. Especially since ur thinking of something fascinating to write about (nd having above mentioned people as establishd bloggers doesn't help too much either!). But, it doesn't really matter! since this is my space, to truly prove how little there is too me! so on that self indulgent note, thus ends my first post. And maybe my last. I dont know.
LINDA LINDA LINDA LINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

