Friday, November 24, 2006

Some more Noel goodness

But Noel isnt all hues of green and red. It isnt all pressies, food, being surrounded by friends and having that proverbial 'someone'. As magical and 'young' as Noel is, it isnt.

There are people who won't be receiving so much as a 'Merry Christmas' for whatever reason, their own fault or not.
Christmas is as much about the giving as it is about the receiving, and a lot of people are not able to do the latter- they simply can't afford to. And while i'm a staunch believer in the feeling bit of Noel (im a hopeless romantic btw, ) it is disheartening to know that the mere concept of not being able to afford Noel exists.

Another thing that disheartenns at Noel is people. Yup, sometimes just that one person. The season can make you say things you feel, things youve been hiding quite well, but all the talk of love and blah made you open your mouth. Before you know it, youre identifying with the Noel anthem of unrequited love and infidelity: Last Christmas, i gave you my heart. But the very next day...

But that doesnt mean you shouldn't say anything. Noel's a wonderful opportunity, grab it. I say this a lot, but don't wake up with 'What ifs' going through your head, just do it!! Throw caution to the winds the past and convention to the dogs and go for it! This will probably bite me later on, but I'll never regret saying it. In the world today, i dont think a bit of love, platonic and otherwise, is a bad thing to encourage!

Sometimes Noel dredges up memories that hurt when you look around today. Or not. It could make you happy rather than suicidal. Or make u think Black (thanks, The One!) rather than red and green. Low cal bars rather than plum cake. But it doesnt matter. Because Christmas goes beyond a day. why this post is sooooo november is because Christmas is winter and especially December, but more importantly, it's a state of mind.


Anonymous said...

Not related to the post...
I really like reading your blog. Simply because of your writing style, it appeals to me. You've been on my 'must-reads' for some time. Thats why I wanted to tell you on the more official front, as in commenting so that all see,
Blog more often.
It's Nice.

Anonymous said...

why the hell do you keep using the word Noel?

if that's what you mean...
(Noel: The period extending from Dec. 24 to Jan 6)

Lemi said...

Noel: fr, christmas!